New Partner Program

image of Martin Pløger
September 27, 2024

We have launched a solution that makes it easy for partners to become resellers of our IoT SIM cards or to include our SIM cards with a sold product.


The entire process is made simple and intuitive, making it possible to get started quickly for both partners and end users.


In addition, we provide a range of advanced tools that give our partners full control over the IoT SIM cards they have either resold or included with their products. This ensures a smooth and efficient handling, regardless of how the SIM cards are distributed.



When we start a collaboration, we tailor the solution to the individual partner. This includes configuring information on the partner, language, currency, payment method and whether it is B2C or B2B. This information is used in various contexts afterwards and helps ensure that end customers get the information they need and that partners can be highlighted with name and logo.


Once the first part is in place, we generate a series of QR codes that are specifically associated with the partner. We take care of pairing SIM cards with the associated QR codes and then deliver the paired SIM cards to the partner.

Below we will go through three models for a partnership: 

1) Inclusion of IoT SIM cards with products sold
2) Direct sales to customers
3) Project-based resale of IoT SIM cards


Inclusion of IoT SIM cards with products sold

In this model, the partner delivers our IoT SIM cards to their customers along with a sold product, such as heat pumps, robotic lawnmowers, GPS trackers, cameras or alarms. This makes it easy for customers to start using their new product immediately and saves them the hassle of finding an IoT SIM provider themselves.


If customers want to use the SIM card, they can easily scan the QR code on the SIM card with their smartphone. They are then taken to a mobile-optimized flow that displays the partner’s information. Here they can activate the SIM card and start a subscription by entering their details


At the same time, a account is created, giving access to the same smart and advanced features that our B2B customers enjoy. The partner receives kick-back on the usage of the enclosed SIM cards and will thus see their earnings increase as more customers choose to use the enclosed SIM cards.

When the customer scans the QR code, they are sent to a landing page where both text and logo are customized to the specific partner.

Please note that until the customer activates the enclosed SIM card, there are no obligations associated with it.

Direct sales to customers

In this model, the partner receives a number of paired IoT SIM cards that they can distribute in the way that suits them best – for example in electronics stores, via webshops or at trade fairs.


Subsequently, the process follows the same steps as described in the previous model.


Project-based resale of IoT SIM cards 

Consulting companies that want to use’s SIM cards in customer-based IoT projects, but prefer another party to handle the administration, can also use the partner model. The advantage for the partner is that takes care of everything – from billing and customizations to support – directly with the customer.


When onboarding a customer, the partner can choose to deliver the IoT SIM cards directly to the customer, after which the customer activates them themselves. The partner can also choose to create an account for the customer via their own dashboard and add the SIM cards to the account on behalf of the customer, and then deliver the physical cards to the customer. Afterwards, the customer can be invited to the account to enter their details and manage the SIM cards.


This shared account provides smooth handling of multiple processes: the customer handles the payment etc. directly to, while the partner handles the addition of SIM cards.


Add numerous SIM cards quick and easy

When adding multiple IoT SIM cards to an account, you can use the “Activate from QR” function in the main dashboard menu.


This innovative solution allows the partner to use their smartphone as a scanner by simply loading the unique QR code displayed in the dashboard. The ICC code of the SIM cards is then scanned and immediately added to the account. This way, even adding large amounts of SIM cards can be done in minutes.

Do you want to become a partner?

Becoming a partner opens up a number of attractive opportunities. Not only do you get access to these first-class solutions, but you also become part of a community that continuously strives to be at the forefront of technological developments in IoT.


One of the biggest benefits of partnering is the ability to easily gain a new and stable revenue stream through kick-back on the IoT SIM cards that have been resold. Furthermore, our platform enables your customers to manage SIM cards efficiently and securely, creating value not only for them but also for you as a partner.


Our vast experience in telecommunications means you can be sure to offer a solution that is proven, reliable and recognized in the market. This gives you a solid foundation to attract and retain customers, further adding to the financial benefits of the partnership.


In addition, our focus on continuous innovation is a factor that makes the partnership even more attractive. You will be able to offer your customers the latest technological advances in IoT and M2M SIM card solutions, ensuring they always have access to the most advanced and user-friendly tools on the market


Contact us at [email protected] and start exploring how a partnership can create value for you and your customers.